Adaptive Workouts

Warm-Up Options

Warmup A:

2 Min Ski Erg

LYPT (weighted or unweighted)

Warmup B:

Crossover Symmetry

Lacrosse Ball + Mobility

Warmup C:

:45 cardio

Arm circles, Russian twists

:45 cardio

PVC pipe- pass through, around-the-world, side-to-side, under tricep


Saturday 07/20/24



10 Rounds for Time

(One round for each month of chemo she endured in her fight against cancer)

4 Power Snatches (4 grandchildren - Jack, Ellie, Jose, Luca)

5 Overhead squats (OR- :15 overhead hold, OR- 5 DB lateral floor-to-lap-to-floor (3 sons and 2 daughter-in-laws)

8 Bar Toes-to-Overhead

8 Slam Ball Burpees (Birthday August 8th)

72 ft Farmers Carry (Rose was 72 years young and LOVED a good farmer’s carry) (Weighted wheel)


Level Rose: Pick your weight that is challenging but manageable for 10 rounds

*Dedicated to our Hero, Rose Haberberger who fearlessly fought her battle with cancer. Rose was an inspiring and beloved member of the BARx community. A friend to all that knew her and had the good fortune of getting an encouraging pep talk or more likely a good-natured kick in the rear to keep up with the “old lady” in back. First and foremost, Rose was a wife, a mother, and a grandmother and was most proud of her family. In CrossFit the Snatch and Overhead Squat were her most challenging movements and she attacked them with full force whenever they were programmed. We hope you can show up and tackle “Rose” with her friends and family to remember this special lady.