Warmup A:
2 Min Ski Erg
LYPT (weighted or unweighted)
Warmup B:
Crossover Symmetry
Lacrosse Ball + Mobility
Warmup C:
:45 cardio
Arm circles, Russian twists
:45 cardio
PVC pipe- pass through, around-the-world, side-to-side, under tricep
Cupid's Match: Gymnast and the Strongman (2 Rounds for reps)
Partner WOD
14 min AMRAP
2 HSPU (OR- Seated DB Press)
14 AbMat Situps (OR- Plate press outs)
2 BMU/CTB/Pullovers or Burpee pullups (OR- Slam Ball burpees + Pullup/CTB)
14 alt walking lunges (OR- one arm up + Wheel OR- 20 Wheel Taps)
--4 minutes rest --
14 min AMRAP
2 Dball over shoulder
14 suitcase KB Deadlifts
2 sled 25 ft sled pull (or push)
14 heavy KB Russian Swings
* Partners will alternate complete rounds.