What is CrossFit?

CrossFit is a highly effective strength-and-conditioning program. We utilize functional movements such as power lifts, Olympic lifts, and gymnastics and blend them into a constantly varied format.

Our program delivers a fitness that is, by design, broad, general, and inclusive. Our specialty is building an all-around athlete who is competent in all general physical skills including endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance, and accuracy.

The CrossFit program is designed to be universally scalable making it the perfect application for any committed individual regardless of experience and limitations. With the help of our trained coaches, workouts will be customized to the needs of the individual athlete while at the same time fully integrating the program so all athletes in class are working together.

We offer a full schedule of classes for Adults and Teens (5th-12th grade). Make sure to visit our website at www.barxcrossfit.com for a complete schedule and program descriptions.

Getting Started

Introductory Class

All of our athletes begin their journey with a tour of our facilities and a free introductory class. To make an appointment complete the inquiry form below. A waiver must be completed before your first class. Click on the adult waiver (18+) or Kids waiver (5-17 yrs old) to complete waiver.

On Ramp Program

After your introductory visit you are ready to begin a series of four "On Ramp" sessions where you will learn all of the basic CrossFit movements. During these 4 one hour classes you will work with our lead coaches to assess your individual needs, set goals, and get comfortable with the exercises and training methodology.

CrossFit Classes

Once you have completed your On Ramp Program you will be ready to attend our regular CrossFit classes. Our goal is for all of our athletes to become as independent as possible in class but our adaptive coaches and volunteers will make sure the class environment is safe and effective for each and every athlete. 

Inquiry Email Form

Click Here to inquire about getting started.